
Ever heard the phrase “Don’t Monday my Sunday”???? NO ….funny we hadn’t either until one Sunday afternoon we were sitting around having a cocktail by the pool and my hubby Ben decided to start talking all about Monday and those very words came out of my mouth. The phrase took off with our family and friends and is used in our daily vocabulary to express our belief of living life like an endless weekend.  This phrase is an expression of our perception of life….Live it freely..don’t put off what you want to do today and be true to that lifestyle.  My beautiful mother passed away after a two year battle of cancer and it taught us all that life is a precious commodity.  We need to take full advantage of surrounding ourselves with love, living and life.  Be vulnerable, take chances, grow and try to be better. This brand is a statement of a lifestyle and attitude to take life for what it is…precious and no guarantee of a tomorrow.  

We decided to officially start our company Endless Weekend with our tagline “Don’t Monday My Sunday” due to the response that we received when we made t-shirts with the saying for vacations.  Everywhere we traveled everyone was always asking where did you get those shirts?   

Forced by popular demand we decided to start our T-Shirt and apparel empire. We researched and trademarked the saying, started the business together and the rest is history.  As our company has grown we have had the honor of sharing our story with so many wonderful people while at the same time getting to hear theirs and what the love about the weekend. What we have found is that most it is about the people and activities they love. One of the activities we enjoy is SUP so endlesspaddleboarding.com is dedicate to those that love SUP. We hope you enjoy the endless weekend as much as we do!!! 

Want to checkout some of our other site? Click the links below.

